Interviews and Commentary

Charlie Rose Show
2009: Peter Balakian on Charlie Rose Part 1

2009: Peter Balakian on Charlie Rose Part 2

Charlie Rose Show - The Genocide Subject January 1, 2004

Charlie Rose Show -A conversation with Armenian author Peter Balakian July 18, 1997

Poet's Choice
Washington Post
By Robert Pinsky
Sunday, August 13, 2006; Page BW12

At this time of year, many people go to the shore: because it is cool, because there are good things to do and eat there, and because there is something fascinating about the ocean and the things that live in it or near it. Peter Balakian made a poem... more

The Voice of History
New Letters, Vol. 67, No. 3, 2001
An interview with Peter Balakian
Conducted by Rebekah Presson Mosby

Some Notes On Falling Into A Rug Introspections, etc. ed.
Pack and Parini, University of New England Press, 1997
Peter Balakian

The Cortland Review March 2001
Interview transcript & audio of Balakian reading his poems

When History and Poetry Collide
by Wendy Smith -- Publishers Weekly, 10/6/2003

Massachusetts and genocide
By Peter Balakian and Gregory H. Stanton— Boston Globe, 12/4/2005

How A Poet Writes History Without Going Mad
By Peter Balakian— The Chronicle of Higher Education, 5/7/2004

US Holocaust Memorial Museum Interview:

Lessons from the Armenian Genocide and America's Response
By Peter Balakian— Voices on Genocide Prevention, 10/12/2006